Funny Golf Quote

Golf, often seen as a serious and sophisticated sport, has its fair share of humor and wit. Behind the polished veneer of fairways and greens lies a world. Players and enthusiasts alike find amusement in the quirks and challenges. Funny anecdotes and witty remarks make golf more fun. Humorous Funny Golf Quote add a light-hearted touch to the sport. They make even intense rounds a source of laughter and enjoyment.

Funny Golf Quote

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  • Golf is like taxes – you drive hard to get to the green and end up in the hole.
  • I don’t need anger management, I need golf management.
  • The only thing a golfer needs is more daylight.
  • Golf is a puzzle without an answer. I’ve played the game for 50 years and I still haven’t the slightest idea of how to play.
  • The only sure rule in golf is – he who has the fastest cart never has to play the bad lie.
  • Golf is a game where the ball lies and the players well.
  • Golf is a game in which you yell ‘fore,’ shoot six, and write down five.
  • They named it golf because all the other four-letter words were already taken.
  • Golf is a day spent in a round of strenuous idleness.
  • Golf is the only game where the most feared opponent is you.
  • Golf is an easy game, it’s hard to play.
  • I never pray on a golf course. The Lord answers my prayers everywhere except on the course.
  • The only time my prayers are never answered is on the golf course.
  • The worst day of golf still beats the best day of work.
  • Golf is a game in which you yell ‘fore,’ shoot six, and write down five.
  • If you think it’s hard to meet new people, try picking up the wrong golf ball.
  • Golf is a game where the ball lies and the players well.
  • The secret of good golf is to hit the ball hard, straight, and not too often.
  • Golf is a game in which you yell ‘fore,’ shoot six, and write down five.
  • The best wood in most amateurs’ bags is the pencil.
  • Golf is the only sport where you can lose a ball in a hole you can’t see.
  • My worst day at golf still beats my best day at work.
  • I have a tip that can take five strokes off anyone’s golf game: it’s called an eraser.
  • The difference between a good round and a bad round is a little white ball.
  • The only time my prayers are never answered is on the golf course.
  • Golf is a game in which you yell ‘fore,’ shoot six, and write down five.
  • Golf is a game in which you yell ‘fore,’ shoot six, and write down five.
  • The worst day of golf still beats the best day of work.
  • Golf is a game in which you yell ‘fore,’ shoot six, and write down five.
  • The only sure rule in golf is – he who has the fastest cart never has to play the bad lie.

Funny Golf Quotes Short

  • Golf: the perfect way to ruin a good walk.
  • My golf swing is like a rusty gate.
  • I’d play better if the ball had wings.
  • Golf is a sport where even the trees can cause a bogey.
  • My golf game’s a comedy of errors in 18 acts.
  • Golf: the art of playing fetch with yourself.
  • I’m not a bad golfer, I’m geography challenged.
  • My golf handicap? It’s called my swing.
  • In golf, you’re only as good as your last shot…or your last excuse.
  • Golf: where divots are the beginning of your problems.
  • GPS – Good Players Suffer sponsors my golf game.
  • I’m not lost on the course, I’m exploring my options.
  • The only birdies I get are on the scorecard.
  • Golf: where even the best shots come with a ‘but…’
  • My golf swing is like a fingerprint: unique and often illegible.
  • Golf: the only time a slice is worse than a hook.
  • I’m not addicted to golf, I’m committed.
  • My golf game is so bad, I need a caddy for moral support.
  • Golf: where a mulligan is your best friend.
  • I’m not a golfer, I’m a professional ball retriever.
  • Golf: where sand traps are nature’s way of saying ‘gotcha.’
  • My golf game is like a rollercoaster: full of ups, downs, and occasional screaming.
  • In golf, you don’t get what you wish for; you get what you work for.
  • Golf: the sport where you can find joy in hitting a ball into a hole, then losing it.
  • My golf strategy? Hit first, think later.
  • Golf is the only game where you yell ‘fore,’ shoot six, and write down five.
  • I don’t always play golf, but when I do, I prefer not to keep score.
  • Golf: where a perfect shot is one hole away.
  • My golf game is like a soap opera: full of drama and never-ending episodes.

Vintage Funny Golf Quote

  • Swing easy; hit hard; find your ball in someone else’s fairway.
  • Golf is the only sport where yelling ‘Fore!’ is more fun than actually scoring.
  • My golf game’s like a Ferrari; looks good, but it’s always in the shop.
  • Golf: where you can make four good shots and one bad decision.
  • I don’t need therapy; I need to play more golf.
  • Golf: the only game where you talk to your ball like it can hear you.
  • My golf swing is like a fidget spinner; it looks cool, but it’s pointless.
  • The only sand I want to see is on the beach, not in a bunker.
  • I’m not a bad golfer; I’m proficient in finding water hazards.
  • Golf is like taxes; you spend hours on it and still end up in the rough.
  • My golf score’s a lot like my computer password; I try to keep it under par.
  • I’d rather be golfing than adulting any day of the week.
  • Golf: where a mulligan is the closest thing to a time machine.
  • The only time my golf game’s on par is when I’m using a GPS.
  • Golf: where the only thing more frustrating than a bad shot is a good one.
  • I play golf because society frowns upon punching people.
  • Life’s too short for boring golf pants.
  • My golf game’s like a bad relationship; I keep coming back for more punishment.
  • Golf: where the shortest distance between two points is a straight line that’s out of bounds.
  • My golf swing’s so bad, I could miss a barn from the inside.
  • The only thing I’m slicing today is a pizza after my round.
  • Golf: the only time I get to wear a hat without judgment.
  • I don’t always play golf, but when I do, I prefer to hit it straight… into the trees.
  • I don’t need luck; I have mulligans.
  • Golf: the only sport where a hole in one is both good and bad news.
  • My golf game’s like a soap opera; full of drama and way too many characters.
  • Golf: where the fairway’s narrow and the golfers are wide.
  • I’d rather be golfing; the office can wait till Monday.
  • Golf: the only game where a good day can turn into a bad one with one swing.
  • The only thing I’m driving today is my golf cart.

Quote of the Day Funny Golf

  • Life’s too short for bad golf shots and cheap beer.
  • Golf: the perfect way to ruin a good walk.
  • My golf game’s like a sitcom; full of laughs and plenty of errors.
  • I don’t need an alarm clock; my golf game wakes up the neighborhood.
  • Golf: where the only birdies I see are on the scorecard.
  • I’d rather be on the fairway than in the office any day.
  • Golf: the only sport where I can drink and drive.
  • My golf swing’s like a boomerang; it always comes back to haunt me.
  • I’m not a golfer; I’m a professional ball retriever.
  • Golf: where a bad shot is an opportunity for a good story.
  • I’m not lost; I’m exploring the rough.
  • Golf: the only game where I can be a hazard and still have fun.
  • My golf game’s like a fine wine; it gets better with age… and a few more strokes.
  • I’d rather be teeing off than teeing someone off.
  • Golf: where the only handicap I care about is the one on my scorecard.
  • My golf swing’s like a yo-yo; up, down, and all around.
  • Golf: the only time a hole in one is a good thing.
  • I’m not a golfer; I’m a grass whisperer.
  • Golf: where the only thing in the hole is my dignity.
  • My golf game’s like a comedy show; lots of laughs, but no applause.
  • I don’t need a caddy; I need a miracle worker.
  • Golf: where the only birdies I see are on the scorecard.
  • I don’t always play golf, but when I do, I prefer to slice.
  • My golf swing’s like a boomerang; it always comes back to haunt me.
  • Golf: where a bad shot is an opportunity for a good story.
  • I’m not lost; I’m exploring the rough.
  • Golf: the only game where I can be a hazard and still have fun.
  • My golf game’s like a fine wine; it gets better with age… and a few more strokes.
  • I’d rather be teeing off than teeing someone off.
  • Golf: where the only handicap I care about is the one on my scorecard.

Funny Golf Putting Quotes

  • Putting: where the hole looks bigger until you’re standing over it.
  • I’m not a bad putter; I have trust issues with the hole.
  • Putting: where the line between success and failure is thinner than the putter grip.
  • My putting stroke’s like a rollercoaster; lots of ups and downs.
  • I don’t always three-putt, but when I do, it’s on the easiest hole.
  • Putting: where a tap-in feels like a hole in one.
  • My putting game’s like a horror movie; lots of suspense and a few screams.
  • Putting: where the only thing I read well is the menu at the clubhouse.
  • I’m not aiming for the hole; I’m trying to avoid embarrassment.
  • Putting: where the only thing consistent is my inconsistency.
  • My putting stroke’s like a duck; smooth on the surface, but paddling like crazy underneath.
  • Putting: where my confidence goes to die.
  • I don’t need a putter; I need a magic wand.
  • Putting: where the grass is greener… on the other side of the hole.
  • My putting game’s like a comedy show; lots of laughs, but no applause.
  • Putting: where the ball’s only enemy is gravity.
  • I’m not a bad putter; I prefer the scenic route to the hole.
  • Putting: where the only thing between me and victory is a tiny white ball.
  • My putting stroke’s like a pendulum; back and forth, but rarely on target.
  • Putting: where I have more lip-outs than a gossip columnist.
  • I don’t need a lesson; I need a miracle.
  • Putting: where my ball spends more time dancing around the hole than I do on the dance floor.
  • My putting game’s like a soap opera; full of drama and unexpected twists.
  • Putting: where the only thing I can count on is my inability to count.
  • I’m not a bad putter; I’m allergic to straight lines.
  • Putting: where the only thing I’m consistent at is missing.
  • My putting stroke’s like a broken record; it keeps repeating the same mistakes.
  • Putting: where my aim is as straight as a politician’s promises.
  • I don’t always make putts, but when I do, it’s usually an accident.
  • Putting: where every stroke feels like a game of chance.

Funny Golf Quotes for Ladies

  • Who needs diamonds when you can have golf clubs?
  • Lipstick and tee-offs: essentials for a fabulous day on the course.
  • Forget diamonds; a hole in one is a girl’s best friend.
  • Golf: where the only thing higher than my handicap is my ponytail.
  • A bad hair day on the course beats a good hair day in the office.
  • I don’t sweat; I sparkle… especially on the back nine.
  • Real women wear cleats and swing clubs.
  • Golf: where the grass is green and the wine is cold.
  • My golf game’s like my wardrobe: full of bright colors and wild patterns.
  • Who says you can’t be classy with a nine-iron in hand?
  • Golf: where the only thing louder than my outfit is my swing.
  • I don’t need a prince charming; I need a golf partner who can keep up.
  • Golf: where the only thing I chase is my next birdie.
  • On the course, every day is ladies’ day.
  • My golf bag’s like Mary Poppins’s purse: full of surprises and endless possibilities.
  • Golf: where the only thing more fashionable than my attire is my swing.
  • Diamonds may be forever, but birdies are priceless.
  • Golf: where the only diva is the one with the highest score.
  • I’d rather be on the green than in a ball gown any day.
  • Golf: where the only thing sweeter than a birdie is the victory dance.
  • I don’t need a tiara; I’ve got a visor and a killer swing.
  • My golf game’s like my coffee: strong, bold, and essential for survival.
  • Golf: where the only thing more satisfying than a good shot is a great outfit.
  • I don’t need a fairy godmother; I need a golf coach.
  • Golf: where my game’s as fierce as my lipstick.
  • Forget glass slippers; real princesses wear golf shoes.
  • My golf swing’s like my attitude: sassy and unpredictable.
  • Golf: where the only drama is whether to use a 7-iron or an 8-iron.
  • I don’t need a knight in shining armor; I need a caddy with a sense of humor.
  • Golf: where the only thing better than a hole in one is doing it in style.a

Famous Golf Quotes Funny

  • Golf: the only sport where you can be too bad to play but too good to quit.
  • “The only sure rule in golf is he who has the fastest cart never has to play the bad lie.” – Mickey Mantle
  • “Golf is a game where the ball lies and the players well.” – Unknown
  • The only time my prayers are never answered is on the golf course.
  • Golf: where a perfect swing feels as elusive as a unicorn.
  • “Golf is a game in which you yell ‘fore,’ shoot six, and write down five.” – Paul Harvey
  • My golf game’s like a rollercoaster; full of ups, downs, and plenty of twists.
  • Golf: the only time a mulligan feels better than a hole in one.
  • “Golf is a game in which you can’t decide whether you are having a good time or not until long after you have had it.” – P.G. Wodehouse
  • The only thing more frustrating than a bad shot is a good one… into the wrong fairway.
  • Golf: where even your best shot can end up in the bunker.
  • Golf is a game. It aims to hit a very small ball into an even smaller hole. The clubs are ill-designed for this purpose.” – Winston Churchill
  • Golf is a game where the grass is green and the beer is cold.
  • Golf: where you spend four hours walking around and still end up in the same place.
  • “Golf is a game in which you claim the privileges of age and keep the playthings of childhood.” – Samuel Johnson
  • Golf: where the shortest distance between two points is a straight line… out of bounds.
  • Golf: the only game where your biggest hazard is your mind.
  • Golf: where a good walk spoiled becomes a great excuse for a cold beer.
  • “Golf is a game in which you can’t decide whether you are having a good time or not until long after you have had it.” – P.G. Wodehouse
  • Golf: where even a blind squirrel finds a nut… in the rough.
  • “Golf is so popular because it is the best game in the world at which to be bad.” – A.A. Milne
  • Golf: the only time a slice of pie is worse than a slice on the fairway.
  • “Golf is a game in which one endeavors to control a ball with implements ill adapted for the purpose.” – Woodrow Wilson
  • Golf: where the only thing lower than my score is my self-esteem.
  • “If you watch a game, it’s fun. If you play it, it’s recreation. If you work at it, it’s golf.” – Bob Hope
  • Golf: where the only thing faster than my swing is the cart girl.
  • “Golf is a game in which you can’t decide whether you are having a good time or not until long after you have had it.” – P.G. Wodehouse

Funny Golf Quotes

  • Golf: the only game where you can play like crap and still have a good time.
  • Who needs therapy when you have a golf course?
  • I don’t need luck; I have mulligans.
  • Golf is my favorite way to ruin a good walk.
  • My golf game’s like a horror movie; lots of suspense and a few screams.
  • Golf: where the only thing straighter than my drive is my posture.
  • I don’t always play golf, but when I do, I prefer to hit it straight… into the trees.
  • Golf: the only sport where you can play like crap and still blame the caddy.
  • Golf is the only sport where yelling ‘Fore!’ is more fun than actually scoring.
  • I’m not a bad golfer; I’m proficient in finding water hazards.
  • Golf: where the fairway’s narrow and the golfers are wide.
  • My golf swing’s like a fidget spinner; it looks cool, but it’s pointless.
  • I don’t need therapy; I need to play more golf.
  • Golf: where a bad shot is an opportunity for a good story.
  • Golf: where the shortest distance between two points is a straight line that’s out of bounds.
  • My golf game’s like a bad relationship; I keep coming back for more punishment.
  • I’d rather be golfing than adulting any day of the week.
  • Golf: where the only thing more frustrating than a bad shot is a good one.
  • I don’t always play golf, but when I do, I prefer to hit it straight… into the water.
  • Golf: the only game where a mulligan is the closest thing to a time machine.
  • I play golf because society frowns upon punching people.
  • Golf: the only time I get to wear a hat without judgment.
  • My golf swing’s so bad, I could miss a barn from the inside.
  • Golf: where the only thing in the hole is my dignity.
  • I don’t need a caddy; I need a miracle worker.
  • Golf: where a mulligan is the closest thing to a time machine.
  • I don’t need luck; I have mulligans.
  • Golf: the only sport where you can play like crap and still blame the caddy.
  • Golf: where the fairway’s narrow and the golfers are wide.
  • Golf: the only game where a bad day can turn into a good one with one swing.

Funny Golf Quotes from Movies

  • In golf as in life, it’s the follow-through that makes the difference.
  • Golf is like a love affair: if you don’t take it, it’s no fun; if you do take it, it breaks your heart.
  • Golf is a game where guts and stupidity often pay off.
  • I’m not a golfer; I’m a frustrated bowler.
  • The most important shot in golf is the next one.
  • Golf is a game that’s ninety percent mental and ten percent mental.
  • The only thing a golfer needs is more daylight.
  • Golf is a game invented by the same people who think music comes out of a bagpipe.
  • Golf is a puzzle without an answer.
  • Golf is a game in which the slowest people in the world are those in front of you, and the fastest are those behind.
  • Golf is an awkward set of contortions designed to produce a graceful result.
  • The only thing better than a good round of golf is a bad round of golf.
  • Golf is a game in which you yell ‘fore,’ shoot six, and write down five.
  • Golf is a game where the ball lies and the players well.
  • You play golf on a five-inch course—the distance between your ears.
  • Golf is a game whose aim is to hit a very small ball into an even smaller hole, with weapons ill-designed for the purpose.
  • Golf is a lot like taxes. You drive hard to get to the green and then wind up in the hole.
  • Golf is a game where the ball always lies and the player always lies well.
  • Golf and marriage are alike; you keep doing it until you get it right.
  • Golf is a game where the worst shot counts the same as the best.
  • Golf is a game that is a combination of good luck and bad arithmetic.
  • The most important shot in golf is the next one.
  • The only time my prayers are never answered is on the golf course.
  • Golf is a good walk spoiled.
  • Golf is a game in which you claim the privileges of age and keep the playthings of childhood.
  • Golf is a game in which you yell ‘fore,’ shoot six, and write down five.
  • The harder you practice, the luckier you get.
  • If you think it’s hard to meet new people, try picking up the wrong golf ball.
  • Success in golf depends less on strength of body than upon strength of mind and character.
  • Golf is a game that’s played on a five-inch course—the distance between your ears.

Funny Golf Quotes for Instagram

  • “Keep calm and tee on.”
  • “I like big putts, and I cannot lie.”
  • “Fairways and good vibes only.”
  • “Swing first, ask questions later.”
  • “Golf: the perfect way to spoil a good walk.”
  • “Par-tee time!”
  • “Don’t be a tee-rific, be tee-rific!”
  • “Golf is my therapy.”
  • “Hole in one? More like hole in fun!”
  • “Fore-ever chasing birdies.”
  • “Grip it and rip it.”
  • “Born to golf, forced to work.”
  • “Life is better when you’re golfing.”
  • “I’d tap that… into the hole.”
  • “Golf is the ultimate game of inches.”
  • “Golf: the art of playing fetch with yourself.”
  • “Stay out of the sand trap of life.”
  • “In golf, as in life, it’s not how you drive, but how you arrive.”
  • “May your drives be long and your putts be short.”
  • “On the green, everything’s serene.”
  • “Eat, sleep, golf, repeat.”
  • “Golf is the only sport where the most feared opponent is you.”
  • “Tee-rific times ahead!”
  • “No Mulligans in life, but plenty on the golf course.”
  • “Swing for the fences… er, fairways.”
  • “Putting the ‘fore’ in ‘four!'”
  • “A bad day on the golf course beats a good day in the office.”

Funny Golf Quotes Happy Gilmore

  • Guns don’t kill people, uh-uh. I kill people… with guns.
  • You’re gonna die, clown!
  • The price is wrong, Bob!
  • It’s all in the hips. It’s all in the hips.
  • I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast.
  • Hey, why don’t I go eat some hay, make things out of clay, lay by the bay? I may! What do you say?
  • You can trouble me for a warm glass of shut-the-hell-up.
  • The ball went that way.
  • I was not invited. I wasn’t even told about it. It’s not true. It’s bullshit! I did not hit her. I did not. Oh, hi, Mark.
  • You’re gonna die, clown!
  • You’ll need a blanket and suntan lotion. You’re never getting off that beach, like you never got into the NHL.

Funny Golf Quotes One Liners

  • Golf: the only sport where you yell “fore,” shoot six, and write down five.
  • My golf game’s gone so bad, my best ball has dimples.
  • Golf is like taxes – you drive hard to get to the green, and then end up in the hole.
  • Golf is a game invented by the same people who think music comes out of bagpipes.
  • If you think it’s hard to meet new people, try picking up the wrong golf ball.
  • I’m not saying my golf game’s bad, but if I grew tomatoes, they’d come up sliced.
  • The difference between a golfer and a skydiver? A golfer yells “whack!” before falling.
  • Golf is a lot like taxes. You drive hard to get to the green, and then wind up in the hole.
  • If you watch a game, it’s fun. If you play it, it’s recreation. If you work at it, it’s golf.
  • My golf game is improving. Yesterday I only lost two balls. Today, I lost three.
  • The only time my golf game is improving is when I’m not playing.
  • I’d play golf every day if it wasn’t so addictive.
  • If there’s a golf ball around, I want to hit it. If there’s a hole, I want to make it.
  • Golf is a game where the ball lies, and the player lies worse.
  • The worst day of golf beats the best day of work, but not by much.

Funny Golf Quotes for Dad

  • Dad’s golf game: a mystery wrapped in an enigma, sprinkled with a dash of lost balls.
  • Dad’s golf swing: a work in progress, like his jokes.
  • Dad’s motto: hit the ball first, ask questions later.
  • Dad’s handicap: trying to remember where he parked the golf cart.
  • Dad’s golf strategy: aim for the flag, end up in the sand.
  • Dad’s golf attire: socks with sandals, hat with a golf pun.
  • Dad’s golf club selection: whichever one matches his mood.
  • Dad’s golf superstition: never play a round without his lucky golf socks.
  • Dad’s golf buddy: the guy who’s always a stroke ahead and a joke behind.
  • Dad’s golf philosophy: it’s not the score that matters, it’s the beer afterward.
  • Dad’s golf swing: a mix of power and prayer.
  • Dad’s golf strategy: hit it hard and hope for the best.
  • Dad’s golf cart: his chariot to the 19th hole.
  • Dad’s golf rule: there’s no such thing as too many mulligans.
  • Dad’s golf scorecard: more doodles than birdies.
  • Dad’s golf motto: swing first, apologize later.
  • Dad’s golf ambition: to finally beat the neighbor with the suspicious handicap.
  • Dad’s golf advice: keep your head down, your spirits up, and your wallet open for green fees.
  • Dad’s golf frustration: trying to find his ball in the rough.
  • Dad’s golf routine: wake up, tee off, repeat.
  • Dad’s golf technique: a mix of skill and sheer luck.
  • Dad’s golf hazard: the water hazard or the sand trap? Both.
  • Dad’s golf ritual: the pre-game coffee and the post-game beer.
  • Dad’s golf humor: more dad jokes than birdie shots.
  • Dad’s golf dream: a hole-in-one and a cold beer waiting at the clubhouse.
  • Dad’s golf celebration: a fist pump followed by a victory dance.
  • Dad’s golf wisdom: it’s not how you start the game, it’s how you finish it with a smile.
  • Dad’s golf memory: the time he almost made par (or was it bogey?).
  • Dad’s golf legacy: passing on the love for the game, one slice at a time.
  • Dad’s golf legacy: passing on the love for the game, one slice at a time.

Funny Golf Quotes for Birthday Cards

  • Happy birthday! May your drives be long, your putts be short, and your slice be on the grill.
  • Another year older, another year wiser… or at least closer to mastering that elusive swing.
  • Happy birthday! Remember, age is a number – unless you’re keeping score on the golf course.
  • Cheers to another year of golf, laughter, and avoiding sand traps (both on and off the course).
  • Wishing you a birthday filled with birdies, eagles, and even a hole-in-one (or a mulligan or two).
  • Happy birthday! May your round be as smooth as your backswing and your beer be as cold as your putter.
  • Happy birthday! May your golf game improve with age, like fine wine (and your excuses for missed shots).
  • Another year, another excuse to tee off and toast to your awesomeness. Happy birthday!
  • Wishing you a birthday filled with fairways, greens, and plenty of good times on and off the course.
  • Cheers to another year of golf adventures. We’ll make epic shots and create memories that are sure to be “fore”-ever cherished.
  • Another year older, another year closer to breaking par (or at least breaking even on the 19th hole). Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday! May your golf game be as legendary as your stories about that one time you almost made a hole-in-one.
  • Here’s to celebrating another year of life, love, and the pursuit of the perfect swing. Happy birthday!


What is a fun quote about golf?

“Golf is a game where the ball lies, and the players well.”

What is a motivational quote about golf?

“Success in golf depends less on strength of body than upon strength of mind and character.”

How do you compliment a golf player?

“You have a swing smoother than butter on a hot skillet!”

What did Arnold Palmer say about golf?

“Golf is simple and complicated.” – Arnold Palmer


In the world of golf, where precision and focus are paramount, a dose of humor can be a welcome respite. Funny golf quotes lighten the mood. They also remind us that, amidst the competitive spirit, there’s always room. So, the next time you tee off or watch a tournament, remember these witty words. Let the laughter roll down the fairway alongside your golf ball. After all, in the game of golf, a good sense of humor is as essential as a solid swing.

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Ah, Thursday – the almost-there day! The workplace echoes with laughter during the week. The weekend beckons with open arms. Read more

Funny Anniversary Quotes for Parents
Funny Anniversary Quotes for Parents

Celebrating our parents' anniversary is a special time filled with love and joy. It's a time to show them how Read more