Radha Krishna Love Quotes

Radha and Krishna’s love story is a timeless tale of devotion, passion, and eternal love. Radha is the embodiment of pure love. Krishna is the divine enchantress. Radha Krishna Love Quotes symbolize the soul’s ultimate union with the divine. Their love transcends boundaries, teaching us profound lessons about love, devotion, and spirituality.

Radha Krishna Love Quotes

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  • Radha and Krishna’s love is a timeless melody that echoes through eternity.
  • Their love is a divine dance, where hearts merge in celestial harmony.
  • Radha’s devotion to Krishna is as deep as the ocean, unwavering and boundless.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is like the sun’s warmth, enveloping her in eternal embrace.
  • In Radha’s eyes, Krishna sees the reflection of his own soul, pure and radiant.
  • Their love is a sacred bond, where each moment is a celebration of divine union.
  • Radha’s love for Krishna is the essence of selflessness, a beacon of eternal devotion.
  • In Radha’s love, Krishna finds solace, his heart forever entwined with hers.
  • Their love story is a testament to the power of devotion, transcending time and space.
  • Radha and Krishna’s love is a divine saga, written in the stars for eternity.
  • Like the peacock’s dance in the monsoon, their love is a vibrant celebration of life.
  • Radha’s love for Krishna is like a gentle breeze, caressing his soul with tenderness.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is like a river that flows, nourishing her spirit.
  • In Radha’s embrace, Krishna finds his eternal home, a sanctuary of love and bliss.
  • Their love is a symphony of passion and devotion, resonating through the cosmos.
  • Radha’s love is the guiding light that leads Krishna back to his true essence.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is the elixir of life, filling her heart with boundless joy.
  • Their love is a divine play, where each moment is a reflection of divine ecstasy.
  • Radha and Krishna’s love is an eternal flame, burning bright with the fire of devotion.
  • Radha’s love is a garden of roses, each petal infused with the fragrance of her devotion.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is like the gentle rain, refreshing her soul with its purity.
  • Radha’s love for Krishna is like the moon’s soft glow, illuminating his path with love.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is like the morning sun, awakening her soul with its warmth.
  • In Radha’s eyes, Krishna finds the reflection of his own divinity, pure and eternal.
  • Their love is a cosmic dance, where the universe itself celebrates their union.
  • Radha’s love for Krishna is the essence of devotion, pure and unconditional.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is like the stars in the night sky, infinite and everlasting.
  • Their love is a divine mystery, unfolding in the hearts of devotees with each passing moment.

Radha Krishna Love Quotes in Hindi

  • राधा कृष्ण का प्रेम अद्वितीय है, जो समय के साथ न बदलने वाला है।
  • उनका प्रेम एक दिव्य संगीत है, जो सदैव आत्मा को झलकाता है।
  • राधा का प्रेम उसके आत्मा का एक अंश है, जो कृष्ण के साथ अटूट है।
  • कृष्ण का प्रेम राधा के प्रति अनंत है, जैसे सूर्य की गर्मी उसे छू लेती है।
  • राधा के प्रेम में कृष्ण अपनी आत्मा को पाता है, जो केवल शुद्ध और प्रकाशमय है।
  • उनका प्रेम एक पवित्र बंधन है, जहां हर पल एक दिव्य संयोग का उत्सव है।
  • राधा का प्रेम कृष्ण के प्रति निःस्वार्थ है, जो अनंत निष्काम भक्ति की अद्वितीय मिसाल है।
  • कृष्ण की मुरली उसके प्रेम की ध्वनि है, जो राधा के हृदय को अपनी मोहक सुरों से लुभाती है।
  • राधा के प्रेम में, कृष्ण आराम पाता है, उसका ह्रदय सदैव उसके साथ मिला होता है।

Radha Krishna Love Quotes in English

  • Radha and Krishna’s love is a divine saga of eternal devotion.
  • Their love transcends time, a bond woven in the fabric of the cosmos.
  • Radha’s love for Krishna is a reflection of pure, selfless devotion.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is like a gentle breeze, soothing her soul.
  • In Radha’s eyes, Krishna finds the mirror of his own divine essence.
  • Their love story teaches us the essence of unconditional devotion.
  • Radha and Krishna’s love is a symphony of divine melodies.
  • Krishna’s flute resonates with the longing of Radha’s heart.
  • Radha’s love for Krishna is like the river flowing, nurturing his soul.
  • Their love is a celestial dance, entwining their hearts in divine ecstasy.
  • Radha’s love is the guiding light that leads Krishna to his true self.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is a sanctuary of peace in the chaos of the world.
  • Their love story is a celestial celebration of divine union.
  • Radha’s love for Krishna is as boundless as the sky, infinite and eternal.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is like the sun’s warmth, enveloping her in divine grace.
  • In Radha’s embrace, Krishna finds solace and serenity.
  • Their love is a sacred pilgrimage, a journey of the soul towards divine union.
  • Radha’s love is a garden of flowers, each bloom reflecting her devotion.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is like the moon’s gentle glow, illuminating her path.
  • Their love transcends desires, a bond forged in the fire of devotion.
  • Radha’s love for Krishna is like the ocean, vast and unfathomable.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is like the stars, shining in the night sky.
  • Their love is a divine play, a dance of joy and bliss.
  • Radha’s love is a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding Krishna home.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is like the rain, refreshing her soul with its purity.
  • In Radha’s eyes, Krishna sees the reflection of his own divine essence.
  • Their love is a celestial symphony, echoing through the heavens.
  • Radha’s love for Krishna is like the lotus, pure and untainted by the world.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is like the breeze, whispering sweet nothings in her ear.
  • Their love is a divine blessing, showering devotees with grace and mercy.

Radha Krishna Love Quotes in English Short

  • Radha’s love for Krishna is pure and unconditional.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is eternal and divine.
  • Their love story teaches us the essence of devotion.
  • Radha and Krishna’s love is a celestial dance.
  • Their love transcends desires and attachments.
  • Radha’s devotion to Krishna is unwavering and boundless.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is like the gentle breeze, soothing her soul.
  • In Radha’s eyes, Krishna finds solace and serenity.
  • Their love is a sacred pilgrimage, a journey of the soul.
  • Radha and Krishna’s love is a divine symphony of the heart.
  • Their love story is a celestial celebration of divine union.
  • Radha’s love for Krishna is as boundless as the sky.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is like the sun’s warmth, enveloping her in divine grace.
  • In Radha’s embrace, Krishna finds solace and peace.
  • Their love is a divine play, a dance of joy and bliss.
  • Radha’s love for Krishna is like the ocean, vast and deep.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is like the stars, shining in the night sky.
  • Their love is a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding devotees home.
  • Radha’s love for Krishna is like the lotus, pure and untainted.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is like the breeze, whispering sweet nothings in her ear.
  • Their love is a divine blessing, showering devotees with grace and mercy.
  • Radha and Krishna’s love is a timeless tale of devotion and divine union.
  • Their love transcends desires, a bond forged in the fire of devotion.
  • Radha’s love for Krishna is unwavering and pure.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is eternal and unchanging.
  • Their love story teaches us the essence of true devotion.
  • Radha and Krishna’s love is a divine dance of joy and bliss.
  • Their love transcends all boundaries, uniting souls in divine ecstasy.
  • Radha’s love for Krishna is like the river, flowing with love.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is like the sun, brightening her life with love and light.

Radha Krishna Love Quotes in Telugu

  • రాధ కృష్ణ ప్రేమ కథ మనసును అమరుకుంటుంది.
  • అవర ప్రేమ ఒక దైవ సంఘాతము, చిరంతన సమయంలో చేసిన బంధం.
  • రాధ కృష్ణ ప్రేమం శుద్ధ సమర్పణ యొక్క ఆదరణ.
  • కృష్ణ రాధల ప్రేమం మధురము, అది ఆమోదాల తో అలంకరించుట.
  • రాధల చేతిలో, కృష్ణ తన దివ్యముల ప్రతిబింబించారు.
  • వారి ప్రేమ చివరి ఆధ్యాత్మిక ఉత్తమ ప్రత్యేకత.
  • రాధ కృష్ణ ప్రేమం దైవ సంగీత యొక్క దివ్య లహరి.
  • కృష్ణ బాశల రాధల హృదయ చింత అనగా ఉంటుంది.
  • రాధల ప్రేమం మరియు కృష్ణ నడుపు మధురంగా ఉంటుంది.
  • వారి ప్రేమ చూపిస్తుంది వైభవం లో సమర్పణను కాంపియర్ చేస్తుంది.

Radha Krishna Love Quotes in Marathi

  • राधा आणि कृष्ण प्रेमकथा अनंत काळापर्यंत धडाकते.
  • त्यांच्या प्रेमाचा एक दैवी संगीत, काळानंतर निर्मित बंध.
  • राधा कृष्ण प्रेम पावित्र समर्पणाचे आदर.
  • कृष्ण राधेच्या प्रेम तोडणीकाचं आहे, ते तिच्या अनंत चांगलेशेखणीसह अवतीर्ण.
  • राधेच्या डोळ्यांमध्ये, कृष्ण त्याच्या दिव्य अंशाचा परावलेला प्रतिबिंब.
  • त्यांचा प्रेम सांगोपांतर आध्यात्मिक उद्दीपक.
  • राधा कृष्ण प्रेम संगीताची दिव्य स्वरलहरी.
  • कृष्णाची बाँधवणी राधेच्या हृदयाची मिठास आहे.
  • राधेच्या प्रेमाचा आकर्षण कृष्णाच्या हृदयाचा संगम आहे.
  • त्यांची प्रेम काळाच्या असम्भवित अनंत स्वार्थचा प्रतिनिधित्व करते.

Radha Krishna Love Quotes in Sanskrit

  • राधा कृष्ण प्रेमोत्सवः सदैव चिरंतनः।
  • तेषाम् प्रेम दैवी संगीतः, अनन्तः अद्यापि वर्तते।
  • राधायाः कृष्णाय प्रेमः शुद्धः निर्लिप्तः च आत्मनः।
  • कृष्णस्य राधायाः प्रेमः सौम्यं वायुस्पर्श इव मनोहरः।
  • राधायाः दृष्ट्याऽपि कृष्णो आत्मनः स्वरूपं पश्यति।
  • तेषाम् प्रेम कथा आध्यात्मिक साधना च अनुसरणीया।
  • राधा कृष्ण प्रेममयी नाट्यं, स्वर्गीयं रसविलासं च निर्वहति।
  • कृष्णस्य मुरली स्वरः राधायाः हृदयं मोहयति।
  • राधायाः प्रेमं कृष्णो आनंदाश्रुना तदा निरीक्षते।
  • तेषाम् प्रेमं च आद्यं, सागरं राधायाः प्रेमेण तुल्यं नास्ति।

Radha Krishna Love Quotes in Kannada

  • ರಾಧಾ ಕೃಷ್ಣ ಪ್ರೀತಿಯುತ ಕಥೆ ಸದಾ ಚಿರಂತನ.
  • ಅವರ ಪ್ರೀತಿ ದೈವಿಕ ಸಂಗೀತ, ಕಾಲದಲ್ಲಿ ಅದು ನಿರಂತರ.
  • ರಾಧೆಯ ಕೃಷ್ಣನಿಗಾಗಿ ಪ್ರೀತಿಯು ಶುದ್ಧ, ನಿರ್ಲಿಪ್ತವೂ ಆತ್ಮಿಕ.
  • ಕೃಷ್ಣನ ರಾಧೆಗಾಗಿ ಪ್ರೀತಿ ಸುಂದರ, ಗಾಳಿಯ ಸ್ಪರ್ಶದಂತೆ ಮನೋಹರ.
  • ರಾಧೆಯ ದೃಷ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಕೃಷ್ಣ ತನ್ನ ಆತ್ಮದ ಪ್ರತಿಬಿಂಬ.
  • ಅವರ ಪ್ರೀತಿಯ ಕಥೆ ಆಧ್ಯಾತ್ಮಿಕ ಸಾಧನೆಯ ಮಾರ್ಗ.
  • ರಾಧಾ ಕೃಷ್ಣ ಪ್ರೇಮಯುತ ನೃತ್ಯ, ಸ್ವರ್ಗಿಕ ಆನಂದದ ಮನೋಹರ ಆಟ.
  • ಕೃಷ್ಣನ ಮುರಳಿಯ ಸ್ವರ ರಾಧೆಯ ಹೃದಯವನ್ನು ಮೋಹಿಸುತ್ತದೆ.
  • ರಾಧೆಯ ಪ್ರೀತಿಯನ್ನು ಕೃಷ್ಣ ಆನಂದಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಕಣ್ಣೀರುಗಳಿಂದ ನೋಡುತ್ತಾನೆ.
  • ಅವರ ಪ್ರೀತಿ ಅದ್ಭುತ, ಸಮುದ್ರದಂತೆ ರಾಧೆಯ ಪ್ರೀತಿಯನ್ನು ಹೋಲುವುದು ಇಲ್ಲ.

Radha Krishna Love Quotes in Gujarati

  • રાધા કૃષ્ણની પ્રેમ કથા અમર છે.
  • તેમની પ્રેમ એક દૈવિક સંગીત છે, જે સમયની પરિધિ પાર થાય છે.
  • રાધાનો કૃષ્ણ પર પ્રેમ પવિત્ર અને નિષ્કામ છે.
  • કૃષ્ણનો રાધા પર પ્રેમ મૃદુલ, વાતાવરણની તુંબળની રીતે છે.
  • રાધાની આંખોમાં, કૃષ્ણ આત્માની પ્રતિબિંબ જોવાનું મેળવે છે.
  • તેમનું પ્રેમ દૈવિક સાધન છે, જે અનંત સમયની અનુસરણીય છે.
  • રાધા કૃષ્ણનું પ્રેમ એક દૈવિક નૃત્ય છે, જે સ્વર્ગિક આનંદનું વિલાસ છે.
  • કૃષ્ણની વાંસી રાધાનો હૃદય મોહે છે.
  • રાધાનું કૃષ્ણ પર પ્રેમ જળપૂર્વ, તેની આત્માની સંતૃપ્તિ સાથે નેસરી છે.
  • તેમનું પ્રેમ દૈવિક રહેલું છે, જે દિવ્ય આનંદનું ઉલ્લાસ છે.
  • રાધા કૃષ્ણનું પ્રેમ એક પવિત્ર રચના, જે ચિરંતન સતત રહેશે.
  • તેમના પ્રેમનો કથન આધ્યાત્મિક પરિપથ માટે માર્ગદર્શન કરે છે.
  • રાધાનું કૃષ્ણ પર પ્રેમ આકાશની સમાન, અનંત અને ચિરંતન છે.
  • કૃષ્ણની રાધાનું પ્રેમ સૂર્યની ગરમીના પ્રેમનો છાયા, જે તેનાં આત્માને વિકસાવે છે.
  • તેમના આલિંગનમાં, કૃષ્ણ શાંતિ અને આનંદની શ્રીતીનું સ્ત્રીત્વ શોધે છે.

Radha Krishna Love Quotes Instagram

  • Let the divine love of Radha Krishna illuminate your soul.
  • Dive into the ocean of love with Radha and Krishna.
  • Radha’s devotion to Krishna is like a gentle breeze, soothing the soul.
  • Let the divine romance of Radha Krishna inspire your heart.
  • In the love of Radha and Krishna, find eternal bliss and harmony.
  • Let Radha and Krishna’s love story be your guide to divine love.
  • Embrace the divine dance of Radha Krishna in your heart.
  • Radha and Krishna’s love is a timeless tale of devotion and bliss.
  • Let the divine love of Radha Krishna fill your life with joy and peace.
  • Surrender to the divine love of Radha Krishna and find true happiness.

Unconditional Love Radha Krishna Love Quotes in English

  • Radha and Krishna’s love knows no bounds.
  • Their love is pure, selfless, and eternal.
  • No one can match Radha’s devotion to Krishna.
  • Krishna’s love for Radha is tender and unconditional.
  • In Radha and Krishna’s love, find solace and peace.
  • Their love story teaches us the essence of true devotion.
  • Radha and Krishna’s bond is beyond worldly understanding.
  • Let Radha and Krishna’s love inspire you to love.
  • Their love is a divine melody that resonates through eternity.
  • Radha and Krishna’s love is a beacon of hope and compassion.

Romantic Radha Krishna Love Quotes

  • In Radha’s eyes, Krishna finds his reflection of love.
  • Let the breeze carry the whispers of Radha and Krishna’s love.
  • Their love is a dance of passion and longing.
  • Radha’s love for Krishna is like the gentle touch of morning dew.
  • Krishna’s flute serenades Radha’s heart with love songs.
  • Their love story paints the sky with hues of romance.
  • In Radha and Krishna’s embrace, find the warmth of eternal love.
  • Let the fragrance of their love fill your soul with joy.
  • Radha and Krishna’s love is a symphony of devotion and desire.
  • In every heartbeat, Radha and Krishna’s love resonates.

Good Morning Radha Krishna Love Quotes

  • Wake up to the divine love of Radha and Krishna.
  • Let the sunrise remind you of their eternal love story.
  • May your day be blessed with Radha Krishna’s divine grace.
  • Begin your day with devotion to Radha Krishna.
  • Embrace the morning with love like Radha and Krishna.
  • Let your heart bloom with the love of Radha and Krishna.
  • Every morning is a new chapter in their love story.
  • May your day be filled with the sweetness of Radha Krishna’s love.
  • Greet the morning with the warmth of Radha Krishna’s love.
  • Start your day with a smile, inspired by Radha Krishna’s love.

Relationship Radha Krishna Love Quotes in English

  • Radha and Krishna’s love is a timeless example of devotion.
  • Their relationship teaches us the essence of true love.
  • Radha’s love for Krishna is pure and unwavering.
  • Krishna’s affection for Radha knows no bounds.
  • Their relationship transcends the worldly and delves into the divine.
  • Radha and Krishna’s bond is a symbol of eternal companionship.
  • Let Radha and Krishna’s relationship inspire your own.
  • In their love, find the perfect blend of friendship and romance.
  • Radha and Krishna’s relationship is a journey of love and understanding.
  • May your relationship be as sacred as Radha and Krishna’s.

Best Radha Krishna Love Quotes in English

  • Radha and Krishna’s love is a divine symphony.
  • Their love story is an eternal saga of devotion.
  • In Radha’s heart, Krishna finds his eternal home.
  • Krishna’s flute resonates with Radha’s love-filled sighs.
  • Radha and Krishna’s love transcends time and space.
  • Their love is a celestial dance of passion and longing.
  • Let Radha and Krishna’s love illuminate your path.
  • Their love is the very essence of purity and bliss.
  • In Radha and Krishna’s love, find solace and joy.
  • Their love is a melody that echoes through eternity.

Unconditional Love Radha Krishna Love Quotes in Hindi

  • राधा कृष्ण का प्यार अविश्वसनीय और अद्वितीय है।
  • उनकी प्रेम कहानी एक अनंत भक्ति की कहानी है।
  • राधा के हृदय में, कृष्ण अपना अनंत घर पाते हैं।
  • कृष्ण की मुरली राधा के प्रेम से गुंजती है।
  • राधा कृष्ण का प्यार समय और अंतरिक्ष के परे है।
  • उनका प्यार आध्यात्मिकता और लगन का एक स्वर्गीय नृत्य है।
  • राधा कृष्ण का प्यार आपके मार्ग को प्रकाशित करे।
  • उनका प्यार पवित्रता और आनंद की सारी संवेदना है।
  • राधा कृष्ण के प्यार में शांति और खुशी पाएं।
  • उनका प्यार एक संगीत है जो अनंतता में गूंजता है।

Best Radha Krishna Love Quotes in Hindi

  • राधा कृष्ण का प्यार अद्वितीय है।
  • उनकी प्रेम कहानी अनंत है।
  • राधा की दिल में, कृष्ण अपना आश्रय पाते हैं।
  • कृष्ण की मुरली राधा के प्रेम से भरी है।
  • राधा कृष्ण का प्यार समय और अंतरिक्ष के परे है।
  • उनका प्यार आध्यात्मिकता और भक्ति का एक अद्वितीय उत्सव है।
  • राधा कृष्ण का प्यार आपके जीवन को प्रकाशित करे।
  • उनका प्यार पवित्रता और आनंद की संवेदना है।
  • राधा कृष्ण के प्यार में शांति और खुशी मिलती है।
  • उनका प्यार एक संगीत है जो अनंतता में गूंजता है।
  • राधा कृष्ण के प्यार में अनंत रोमांस छिपा है।
  • उनकी प्रेम कहानी सदैव रहे हैं।
  • राधा के प्रेम का आभास हर कायनात में है।
  • कृष्ण की आँखों में राधा का प्रेम बसा है।
  • उनका प्यार अमृत से भी मिलता है।
  • राधा कृष्ण का प्यार अनंत आनंद और सुख में भरा है।
  • उनका प्यार जीवन को नई राह प्रदान करता है।
  • राधा कृष्ण के प्यार में आत्मा का अनुभव होता है।
  • उनकी प्रेम कहानी अनंत शक्ति से भरी है।
  • राधा कृष्ण का प्यार हमें आत्म-विश्वास देता है।
  • उनका प्यार जीवन का अर्थ बदल देता है।
  • राधा कृष्ण के प्यार में हर बार नई कहानी होती है।
  • उनकी प्रेम कहानी अनंत संवेदना से भरी है।
  • राधा कृष्ण का प्यार हमें सच्चे प्यार का संदेश देता है।
  • उनका प्यार हमें जीवन के सारे संदेश सिखाता है।
  • राधा कृष्ण के प्यार में हर पल अनुभव होता है।
  • उनका प्यार हमें आनंद की सच्ची परिभाषा देता है।
  • राधा कृष्ण का प्यार हमें विश्वास की ताकत देता है।
  • उनका प्यार हमें आत्म-अर्थ की खोज में मदद करता है।
  • राधा कृष्ण के प्यार से हमें शांति का अनुभव होता है।

Good Morning Radha Krishna Love Quotes in Hindi

  • राधा कृष्ण के प्यार में सुबह का स्वागत करें।
  • उनके प्यार से प्रेरित होकर दिन की शुरुआत करें।
  • राधा कृष्ण के प्रेम से अपने मन को शुद्ध करें।
  • उनके प्यार से जीवन को नई ऊर्जा मिलती है।
  • राधा कृष्ण के प्रेम की आभा आपके दिन को रौशन करे।
  • उनके प्यार के संग, सुबह को नई प्रेरणा मिलती है।
  • राधा कृष्ण के प्यार में हर सुबह एक नया आरंभ होता है।
  • उनके प्यार की मिठास से सुबह की खुशबू मिलती है।
  • राधा कृष्ण के प्यार से सुबह को आनंदित करें।
  • उनके प्यार से हमें नई ऊर्जा मिलती है और दिन को शुभ बनाती है।
  • राधा कृष्ण के प्यार से हमें प्रेम की महत्वपूर्णता का अनुभव होता है।
  • उनके प्यार की स्मृति से सुबह को खुशियों से भर दें।
  • राधा कृष्ण के प्यार में हर सुबह एक नया संदेश होता है।
  • उनके प्यार से हमें आत्म-समर्पण की भावना मिलती है।
  • राधा कृष्ण के प्यार से सुबह को आनंदित करें और खुशियों से भर दें।


What Radha says about love?

Radha says love is a deep connection. It goes beyond bodies and unites souls.

What is a nice quote on Radha Krishna?

“In the dance of love, Radha’s heart beats in rhythm with Krishna’s divine melody.”

What Krishna says about love quotes?

Krishna emphasizes that true love is selfless and unconditional. It embodies the essence of devotion and spiritual connection.

What is true love Radha Krishna love quotes in English?

True love in Radha Krishna’s story is an eternal bond. Souls merge in divine joy, beyond the limits of the physical world.


In the end, Radha and Krishna’s love story teaches us that true love knows no boundaries. It is a journey of selflessness, devotion, and spiritual union. Their love is a reminder. In the vast cosmos, the purest love connects the soul with the divine. Let us cherish their love and strive to embody the same depth of devotion and affection in our own lives.

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